
blise orr  




Spatial Data (2019)

This project questions the physicality of our surroundings and requires us to interrogate the negative space invisible to the human eye and often unconsidered when developing the interior silhouette.

Scans of interior and exterior spaces, new and old buildings as well as the users which inhabit them. To understand better the physical architecture of ‘the cloud’, spaces that our information is stored, data centers and the impact they are having upon the physical landscape as well as the detrimental impact on the natural environment. Simultaneously questioning the privacy and ownership of these spaces in relation to the contents that lay within. If the museum as we know it can house colonial items for mostly western viewers eyes to see  what are the politics of these spaces when the information is only visible on private screens. Does this make them more or less accessible?

These scans specifically explore the void spaces that channel the sound around the Reid Building at the Glasgow School of Art exploring the deteriation of the building after a fire.

I explore further considering the void spaces inside the building. reflecting on the interior design of the building in relation to the use in these scans which further enquire into the architecture of the institution.