
blise orr  




                               Modeling Taxidermy


This technique is not new. 3D scanning is everywhere and is being used by everyone from children to adults. However, the use of this technology in the national history museum asks the question what do we see when we are looking at digital collections and how does this impact our day to day live experience and relation with nature ?

In the video work I have been making I have been using 3d scans of objects make open source and available for appropriation via a platform called Sketchfab.

A vast quantity of image captures stitched together by digital software to recreate a scene. In the image below you can see how an owl has been represented in a multiplicity to be reconfigured into a single overall 3 D object. Some detail is lost in this transition however good scanners can include measurements to the 0.2mm precise.

                                             Screencapture form the Vienna Natural History Museum Digital Archive