
blise orr  




That was then
Garage Cafe, Rotterdam 2023

Garage Rotterdam is an exhibition space in the center of Rotterdam formally a car garage. In this piece Iconsider how do the visitors experience this space from their own individual perspectives? How is this important in shaping the reality in which we are all interconnected? By making visible the many perspectives of the audience can we then discuss what it means to share an experience in the context of a gallery and thus how this impression of the space further penetrates the walls of the space into a wider audience, sharing the experience with friends, family. How does this recognition of perspectives and reality shape the wider world? How can we relate these experiences to the higher powers that create systems which so violently order and structure our very lives?

The peice was a soundscape that coincided with the exhibition ‘At the table’. Participants where asked to focus on the space and reinterperate the idea of what architecture can be.

Voice over - Maysa De Vries
Photography - Leonie Fernhout
With thanks Curator Nicole Sciarone, Garage Cafe 2.2

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