
blise orr  





Blise is a spatial practitioner with a background in interior design. She graduated from the Glasgow School of Art in 2019 and moved to Rotterdam in 2021. In 2023 she completed the master interior architecture at the Piet Zwart Institute. She is a multidisciplinary practitioner with a focus on digital culture & ethics of technology.

Her practise critically breaks from the boundaries of architecture as a discipline, reconsidering what it means to be considered an architect today. Her artistic research considers how spatial design impacts ideologies of ecology in relation to our post-natural environment.

                                                               e-mail :

Awards :

• Het Hem Chapter 5 Residency

(Fully funded program grant 2022)

• Donald Dewar Award

(Masters support scholarship 2021 & 22)

• Van Beek Donner Stichting

(Masters support scholarship 2021)

• Creative Scotland Open Fund

(Personal Project support, Urbanism and Architecture Grant 2020)

• Award for most innovative design

(Interior Educators- London 2019)

• GSA Sustainability - Bursary

(Design Museum London - Data Ethics 2019)

Exhibitions :

Post Natural History Museum | September 2024 (upcoming)

Dutch Design Week | October 2023

Piet Zwart MA Graduation Show, Nieuwe Instituut  | July 2023

 Garage Cafe 2.2, Garage Rotterdam | June 2023

The Countryside Research Program*, Het Hem Amsterdam | August 2022

Matera INresidence Workshop | 2019

 Interior Educators, Trauman Brewery London | 2019

BA Interior Design Graduation show, Glasgow School of Art  | 2019